Monday, April 27, 2009

Voilence in North American society

North America's society has a relatively low amount of violence compared many other places around the world. But there are still significant factors that contribute to the violence that does happen within this society some factors that come to mind are the media, music, racial hatred and drugs. media significantly contributes to violence in every society, Violence has always played a role in entertainment. But there's a growing acknowledgment that, in recent years, something about media violence has changed. For one thing, there's more of it. Studies have been done on Canadian television networks that have shown an amazing increase in violence shown. Other research indicates that media violence has not just increased in quantity; it has also become much more graphic, much more sexual, and much more sadistic.
Explicit pictures of slow-motion bullets exploding from people's chests, and dead bodies surrounded by pools of blood, are now commonplace fare. Having children exposed to this type of entertainment will have a lasting effect of sensitivity.
Music does not necessarily cause or contribute to violence, but there is a reaction to it. Music cannot create an emotion that is not already present but only enhance what is there. A person who is prone to violence may be riled by a particular song, but the desire to commit violence was already there from the beginning. Consider the Columbine case, various musical acts were targeted as influences for inciting the killers to act, Marilyn Manson being one of the most prominent. The boys would have acted the same in the absence of the music, because their motivation for killing was a result of their internal response to their environment, not the music. Music has the affect to magnify feelings to a certain extent that someone might take action.
The best example of racial hatred is the Ku Klux Klan. Although there have always been different branches of the KKK, all of them have held a common goal: to maintain the supremacy of the white race over Black Americans. While membership in the Klan has risen and fallen during its history, the scope of its hatred has expanded, adding Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, and immigrants.
Another big factor to violence are drugs, over the years there has been a huge increase in drug use. This has led to gangs being formed, people losing there everything they hold dear all these thing lead to violence within a society.

Friday, February 6, 2009

super powers

If I truly had the choice to single out any super power that I wanted, I would have to choose super speed and the ability to stop time. In my opinion this would be the ultimate combo, there would be no limits to what I could do. If you think about it speed is the best power, nothing compares, it's like all the powers put together. With this ability you would be able to go so fast you could fly, be invisible, you could walk on water, and beat up anyone you wanted, even superman would be helpless against you. Working would not even be part of my life I could just take anything I wanted and if you were in a good mood you could help mankind with there many problems. My reason for wanting the ability to stop time would be simply to mess with people. For example during class one day your teacher is droning on and on in their monotone boring voice I could simply stop time and do anything I wanted to them. Making them look like a fool when I unstop time. These powers would make you the best superhero in the world. I would give all the other Heros a "thanks for coming out" when I best them in every single aspect of being a super human.